LAYOUT #13 - Prenses Mononoke ve Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop | Anime Podcast
Kindeaae ile beraber yaptığımız podcastimizin 13. bölümünde: Hayao Miyazaki'den Mononoke-hime ve Kyouhei Ishiguro'dan Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru



00:00 Giriş

03:45 Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru (Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop)

36:08 Mononoke-hime (Prenses Mononoke)

1:33:57 Bir sonraki programda: Hoohokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun (My Neighbors the Yamadas) ve Alice to Therese no Maboroshi Koujou (Maboroshi)

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